Hydrogen (H2) energy is one of most discussed forms of energy for the future. Its role in enhancing a sustainable living environment and circular economy is promising.
In keeping members and interest parties abreast of the latest developments, HKGSA, Hong Kong Environmental Industry Association (HKEnvIA), Hong Kong Association of Energy Services Companies (HAESCO) and Business Environment Council(BEC), are jointly organizing this unique half-day online forum, bringing experts on international levels and presenting cutting-edge technological innovations (storage and transportation) and policy directions.
Apart from the leaders of the co-organizers, prominent and renowned speakers include:
"Hydrogen Energy Promotes Fourth Industrial Revolution"
Prof. C.C. CHAN (陳清泉 院士) SBS
Honorary Professor of The University of Hong Kong
Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering UK
Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (中國工程院院士)
"Hydrogen Economy 2.0"
Mr. Albert LAU (劉培生 先生)
Founder and CEO, EPRO Advance Technology Limited
"Sunlight-driven Water Splitting for Clean Hydrogen Production"
Prof. NG Yun Hau (吳永豪 教授)
Associate Professor, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
"Global Promotion of Hydrogen Economy by United Nations Development Programme in China"
Dr. ZHANG Wei Dong (張衛東 博士), Programme Manager
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) (聯合國開發計劃署), Beijing
Conference details:
Date: November 23, 2020 (Monday)
Time: 2-5:30pm
Venue: Online. Please register through https://forms.gle/5E9nG5eu8AvMd8xo9
Fee: Free of charge
CPD certificates will be available and the meeting link will be provided to participants three (3) days prior to the event.