2020-11-16 BIP Asia Forum Online (Dec 3-4, 2020)
BIP Asia Forum Online (Dec 3-4, 2020)
BIP Asia Forum Online (Dec 3-4, 2020)

BIP Asia 2020 Details



3-4 December 2020


(Supported by simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua)

Who should participate: 

Entrepreneurs/Practitioners from Technology / brand / design-related industries


Brand or IP creators / owners 

Corporate decision makers 

Technology licensing agents / companies 

Business advisors / consultants 

Investment banks, venture capitalists and angel investors 

Professionals on legal, litigation, brand valuation & patent rating 

Academics / researchers in IP or IP-related areas 

Industry associations 

Chambers of commerce and relevant government officials

Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Design Centre, BIP Asia Forum brings IP professionals and business leaders from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities. The ninth edition of the Forum was held on 5-6 December 2019 with great success, featuring over 70 prominent speakers sharing their insights and attracted more than 2,200 IP professionals and industry leaders to attend. The next edition will be held online on 3-4 December 2020. Mark your diary now!


Online registration: http://www.hktdc.com/ncs/bip2020/en/s/fp-Onlineregistration.html

*HKEnvIA members can enjoy a special price online ticket at HKD 200. Please email HKEnvIA secretariat for the code. 


Should there be any inquries regarding to the Forum, please contact tel (852) 1830 668/ email bipasia@hktdc.org